Your Jazz Guitar Skills and become the Monster Player You Have Always Wanted
To Be!"
I will reveal all the hidden secrets that The Best Jazz Guitarists
In The World Use, And I Will Reveal Everything In This Powerful New Video
Dear fellow
Sometime ago I realized something that every guitar player goes through,
whether beginner, intermediate, advanced or world class. We all think
we suck. I'm not kidding. Everybody at any stage in the learning process.
We all think we're not getting anywhere. And we wonder if we ever will.
Beginners think they will never be able to play that F major bar chord
at the first fret. Intermediates think they will never be able to create
a musical solo over chord changes. Advanced players wonder if they will
ever master playing over Giant Steps and the world's greatest players
think they will never come up with anything new and fresh.
What a lovely way to open a letter I hear you ask! Well, you may think
this sounds odd but in fact, this is all a VERY positive thing. Let me
explain why....
If we were all completely happy with our guitar playing, nobody would
ever improve and there would be nobody great to look up to and get inspired.
The thing is, the beginner student looks up to the intermediate, the intermediate
player praises the advanced player and the advanced player worships the
world's greatest, and that is exactly how it should be. So where do you
fit into all this and why on earth am I talking about it?
It's really true, every player, probably including you, feels like they
are not getting anywhere. The truth is, we go through peaks and plateaus
in our playing. When we think we are not improving, this is usually the
time when things really start to take off, simply because we are
more aware than ever that we seem to be in a rut and we really want to
do something about it.
The next time you play a lick and think to yourself, "Boy how
many times have I played THAT?" you may be in a healthy position
to take your playing to the next level. Listen, if you simply love how
you play, why improve? Why search out new things?
Fortunately, few guitar players feel this way about their own playing
and this is exactly why this is a good thing, not a bad one. We are simply
opening the channels to get to the next place. And I guarantee this is
the reason you have landed on this page.
So welcome. You have just taken your jazz guitar playing to the next level.
And no one is more happy than I to hear that, because one of the things
that thrills me in life is to watch people become successful, in any walk
of life. And because I'm a jazz musician, one of my favorite things is
to see gifted guitar players realize their potential.
Chris - How do I like Jazz Guitar Video Master Class Volume
1? Let me start by saying it's by far the best guitar instructional
video series I've ever purchased for any style of music, bar
none. And trust me when I say, I have a library of books and
videos. It has totally changed my playing and set me on a course
to become a great jazz guitarist. Thanks to you and your course
the mysterious and cryptic elements of jazz guitar are starting
to click for me. I can't thank you enough for creating this
course. God bless. - Bill Adams |
accessed your course online and found it to be much more informative
than I expected one of these courses to be! You lay it out very
clearly and the musical ideas are all super cool, especially
the II - V - I bebop phrases. I also liked your solos over "All
the Things You Are" and the other tunes, too. In fact,
all your solos have good, solid construction and a very swinging
feel. I think this course will be very helpful to anyone that's
looking to play over changes. Playing through this course will
give the serious student of the instrument a more linear way
to play up and down the neck, and in turn expand their range
on the guitar. I can tell a LOT of work went into this project....All
the best!" - Carl Verheyen, LA studio guitarist
So I'm extremely
excited to tell you about a revolutionary new product I have developed
that will without question, take your jazz guitar playing to the next
I am not a private teacher. I used to be. I certainly did my fair share
of that for many years, but for the last 15 years I've been a professional
touring and jazz recording artist and this aspect of my life has taken
over. But being in the trenches, if you will, performing and playing with
world class musicians gives a unique perspective that one might not get
from a private teacher.
Part of that perspective is knowing what we need to get together in order
to be a great player, a real professional, if you will. Professionals
learn to amass real-world resources to be able to cope in real-life playing
situations. We don't have time to spend studying too many abstract theories,
we need to get the notes under our fingers in a practical way so we can
So one of the things I have realized is that many teachers are making
things overly complicated when they try to impart information to their
students. Music is a language, it shouldn't be complicated.
Think of it like this. Let's say I live in a foreign country and you come
to visit me, but you don't speak my language. Let's say I give you a dictionary
so you can learn all the words in my language. Do you think you'd be any
the wiser? I would say hardly. You can learn all the words in that dictionary,
but unless you know how to put several of those words together in a sentence,
you will still be lost in my country. You still need to learn grammar
and context, and understand how to construct sentences. In short, you
need to learn the language.
And it is exactly the same when we talk about jazz. I can show you every
altered jazz chord and every scale that every great player has ever used
and you'll STILL be none the wiser.
Why? because you have not learned the jazz language. Much like my dictionary
I gave you, you still need to know how to construct musical sentences.
- your program is seriously good! It's well thought out and
easy to use. It's bound to appeal to players who can play but
want to learn jazz. I'm totally impressed with the intelligence
and organization of this. You are also a totally natural teacher
. Well done mate! " - Tony Smith, guitarist with
Roy Ayers. |
I remember
when I studied classical guitar at music college in London. I would spend
one morning every week going to my guitar teacher's house for a lesson.
I looked forward to that time so much for two reasons. First, he was a
truly great classical guitarist, and second, he was passionate about the
guitar and he would use me as an audience to play a new piece he was working
up for a concert. This part of the lesson, simply listening to him play,
was the most inspiring and rewarding part. His playing oozed musicality
at the highest level. He was a perfectionist. I wanted that, I had to
have it.
So I feel like I personally improved in leaps and bounds simply by listening
and watching him alone, because watching my mentor play inspired me to
want to go and practice. And this is why I want to pass this on to you.
We are living in a video world. And a digital world. We are very lucky
to have these tools at our fingertips and I am extremely excited to introduce
this video masterclass series to you. I believe what you are about to
see will change the face of the music instructional market.
I want to show you by example, just as my mentor did for me all those
years ago. But there is a difference. I can't go back and relive those
private guitar lessons I had, they are merely distant memories for me
now. But for you, you will always be able to refer back to these videos.
I'm going to show you how to build your jazz vocabulary without learning
a million licks and I hope to inspire you at the same time, by showing
you the jazz language in a real performance situation.
This is not for beginners. You should be an intermediate player who has,
in a perfect world, delved into jazz to some degree, but most importantly,
you should have the fundamentals under your fingers.
There are 11 in depth lessons in this jazz guitar masterclass, split up
into two main sections:
Part One "The Jazz Language" and
Part Two" Solos, Analysis And Transcriptions".
Let's have a quick look at the lessons:
Lesson 1: Warm Up Exercises
Three great warm up routines to get your fingers moving.
Lesson 2: Building Vocabulary Part 1
Here we will discuss associating melody notes with chords
and ways to traverse the fretboard, visualizing everything
as we go.
Lesson 3: Building Vocabulary Part 2
I'm going to show you 10 melodic lines, ascending and descending,
that work in so many harmonic situations, that you will amass
a ton of melodic vocabulary by the end of this lesson alone.
Lesson 4: Connecting Phrases
Knowing exactly how to incorporate new vocabulary into your
existing vocabulary is the key to building a never ending
resource of ideas that we can draw from. This is the answer
to all those questions I get from guitarists who say "I
just can't sound good soloing through chord changes".
This lesson will change your world!
Lesson 5: Rhythm & Comping
Learning how to comp in a jazz rhythm section is an art. Learning
how to really swing is a rarity! And interacting with others
so it puts a smile on everyone's face is a case of having
a few simple tools at your fingertips. In this lesson you
will learn the fine art of rhythm playing. We will study the
blues (4/4 time), waltz (3/4 time) and an in depth look at
walking bass and comping chords together.
In part two you will see me perform six songs in front of
the camera. We will study the following:
Lesson 6: Have You Met Miss Jones
Lesson 7: That's What I Thought You Said
Lesson 8: Sunrise
Lesson 9: All The Things You Are
Lesson 10: How Insensitive
Lesson 11: Nightingale's Bridge
single note you see me perform on camera is transcribed right in front
of you!
In fact the notation is right underneath each video, viewd from your internet
browser, so you can pause the video and look at that particular bar, analyze
it and see exactly how I performed it. I have notated the music using
traditional music notation and TAB underneath that. The TAB, as much as
all professional musicians hate to see it, actually came in useful as
it enabled me to show you exactly where I performed the notes on the fretboard.
- this looks great and the formatting, visual presentation and
overall organization of the material is excellent! You look
great on camera and seem very comfortable and natural in your
delivery. I think this will be a very popular series and I wish
you a lot of success with it! - Frank Potenza, Professor,
Chair studio/jazz guitar program, USC |
will show you the most important things you need to know to be a truly
great jazz guitarist!
But that's not all...
The program has a ton of play along tracks in different tempos throughout.
These tracks can be streamed (and looped) within the program or downloaded
to your own hard drive.
The entire program can also be printed out from a super high rez pdf file
so you will see notation (and TAB) in beautiful definition so you can
practice away from the computer. I have provided the option to order a
spiral bound printed edition that I can send you if you choose.
Take a look at one or two screen shots of the program. (Note: Exact size
is larger, about 15 inches across or 1095 x 927 pixels)

Let's have a look at an example video snippet so you can see how it looks:

When you dive into this program I want to give you a few goodies along with
Bonus #1 Guitar Made Simple Chord Finder (value $24.95)
This cutting edge little app is a handy tool to quickly look up any basic
chord. Once you select the root chord and then the type of chord (whether
it be minor 6, major 7 etc.) three hand positions come up to show you three
different locations across the fretboard of that particular chord. Click
on an image and you will hear me personally play that exact chord shape
at that exact location. No midi nonsense, the real thing. You can also use
these sounds to practice soloing over particular chords in isolation. This
is a truly great ear training tool!
#2 Guitar Made Simple program (value $97)
For a limited time I am giving away my complete beginners to intermediate
program, Guitar Made Simple absolutely free. This entire
program retails at $97 and I am giving it to you so you can have it
at hand just in case you need to go back to one or two basics and
get something firmly understood before you tackle something more advanced.
This offer will expire soon (available while stocks last).
This program is endorsed by many great teachers and professionals
including Stephen Bishop. |
#3 Live In London
(Value $15)
In 2017 I recorded a live album in London, England. The whole thing
was kind of a big deal and an event unlikely to be repeated. It took
place at Cadogan Hall in Chelsea and featured rhythm section, string
section and soul superstar Mica Paris.And my special guest was soul
superstar singer Mica Paris. The event was beautifully recorded and
filmed in high def video.
I will send you the 15 track CD with login access to video stream
the entire live concert. |
"Nothing to Lose And Everything To Gain" Guarantee!
you buy "Jazz Guitar Video Masterclass Volume 1",
I personally guarantee that your guitar playing will take on a whole
new level. Otherwise you can return the program and I will refund
you 100% (including your shipping!) I make this guarantee for the
99% who are honest, (but naturally skeptical) -- not the 1% who'll
take advantage of me. |
I have spent many years figuring out how to articulate music information
in the clearest most concise way. I'm convinced this is some of the most
straight forward information you will find anywhere!
If you were
to have private lessons with me or anyone else for that matter, the information
you are about to hold would cost you thousands of dollars. Now I would
never discourage private music instruction, in fact I think it is a fantastic
thing, especially if you have technical problems in certain areas. But
it is not cheap. And you cannot go back to the same lesson over and over.
Not only can you study these videos time and time again, but I'm going
to make it all extremely affordable too!
I have set the price of this video masterclass at just $69.95. The bonuses
valued together are worth twice what I am charging for this program, so
I do understand that I'm completely crazy practically giving this thing
away. But I really want you to have this! I believe it is
truly groundbreaking stuff!
Don't forget - order the program now and save. The free bonuses are only
available for a limited time!
Take care,
PS: order
Jazz Guitar Video Masterclass now and get my Guitar Made Simple chord
finder, and for a limited time, the complete Guitar Made Simple program,
AND my 2006 album Live In London, all absolutely free!!

For all Windows and MAC operating systems
Please note: You will need to be connected to the internet to run this